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OSAID’s goal is to reduce the number of crashes, injuries and deaths due to impaired driving which includes: Alcohol, Drugs (including prescription), Distractions (texting, fatigue etc.), aggressive driving and others.



Why Join?

  • Help prevent a tragic story – the number one killer of teenagers is impaired driving.

  • You can make a difference – OSAID is a youth-driven organization.

  • Proven results – largest decline in youth impaired driving rate since OSAID’s inception in 1987.


Character Development and Leadership Opportunities

  • Leadership – OSAID members move on to become leaders in their professions and communities.

  • Life Skills – event planning, networking, budgeting, problem solving, analysis, communication, administration, leadership and management.

  • Knowledge, experience and Influence – Students invest in creating safer schools and communities locally and throughout the province.

  • Team Work – OSAID’s direction is guided by a team comprised of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) and the Board of Directors. Each SAC acts as the youth representative for their region.

  • Responsibility – The Provincial Leadership Conference is planned and run by the SAC. Students work with staff and students across several cities planning, presenting and hosting a major event for more than 300 delegates!


Workshop And Webinars

If there is enough support OSAID chapters try to host local workshops or webinars to;

  • discuss issues around impaired driving

  • provide chapter event/activity updates

  • share resources and ideas


Provincial/NationalLeadership Conference 

Students, teachers and community supporters involved with OSAID gather together for an exciting conference of:

  • motivational speakers

  • leadership building sessions

  • time-management workshop

  • campaign/fundraising strategies

  • a resource fairs

  • social events and activities

  • fun and new friends



OSAID staff and volunteers are available to help you, please contact us at: 


What are members saying about OSAID?

“I was interested in starting an OSAID chapter to give students at my school an opportunity to get involved, lead peers, gain confidence, and make a difference.   Also, I guess the fact that I grew up with an alcoholic mother factors into the equation as well, but honestly, it was more about the students and making people both inside and outside of our school more aware of the MANY dangers associated with impaired driving.”


“I honestly didn’t even know how big of a problem drinking and driving was until I went to the OSAID Provincial Conference! It changed me completely! I’ve gotten into cars where my friends had a few drinks just before driving; I never realized how dangerous and life-threatening it is. I got back and spoke to our principal and began the chapter with just one other friend; it slowly grew to 5 of us. I am not the outgoing type who speaks in front of large groups, but OSAID says never hold yourself back from anything, if you want to do it go for it!”


“My sister was the leader of our chapter, and she urged me to come out to a meeting, I went and immediately realized it was the place for me. It was a group of strong kids trying to make a difference on a topic that affected our generation. I knew I wanted to help spread awareness and help stop drinking and driving.”


Want to make a difference?  Want to get involved?

Please contact OSAID today at

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