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Leader Resources

Recruitment - Build the team!

Building a team of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals is key.  There are lots of great ways to encourage new members to join your OSAID group!  Teacher and administration involvement, school announcements, posters and social media are great ways to start!  


1.)  Have fun!  People like to join something they are going to enjoy.


2.)  Inform and invite – tell students why the  group needs them and invite them to  a meeting.


3.)  Generate interest and promote – advertise a meeting, plan an event, use social media networks.

4.)  Offer incentives – give them something for their efforts (food is always good).


5.)  Meet regularly – keep members informed.


6.)  Ownership – Assign responsibilities to create a sense of ownership.


7.)  Appreciate – Communicate to members that you value what they do.


8.)  Emphasize personal achievement – encourage sense of accomplishment and confidence.




1.)  Decide where and when? Ask your Staff Advisor for a good time and place for a planning meeting.


2.)  Communicate to everyone the time, date and place of each meeting. Try to be consistent.


3.)  Appoint a leader and support team (President/Chairperson, Vice-President/Vice-Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer) and assign responsibilities.


4.)  Keep minutes  – a formal record of your meeting.


5.)  Choose the OSAID activity or event you want to plan for your school. 


6.)  Thank you messages – Send thank you notes, texts, or say thank you in person to all who helped make the event a success.


7.)  Social Media – Post activity photos to the OSAID social media feeds.




1.)  Use time wisely – meetings should be enjoyable, interesting and constructive.


2.)  Set a meeting date and create an agenda – circulate it to your members prior to the meeting.


3.)  Meeting reminders – Send reminder texts a day before, day of and 15 min before  the meeting.


Click here for meeting ideas and an example of a meeting agenda


4.)  If members miss a meeting, inform them about what they have missed.  It really helps if the Secretary makes copies of the minutes and hands them out at the next meeting or emails them prior to the meeting. This is a big job – but someone will enjoy doing it. ASK!



Create Your Executive Team:


This is an example of one model for running a chapter. Remember to be clear about the responsibilities and focus on getting things done!


President/Chairman – friendly, team oriented person, working relationship with staff advisor or principal.

Vice-President/Vice-Chairman – ideal if they are a returning student and not graduating that year.

Secretary – good organizer, listener and has good keyboarding skills.

Treasurer – trustworthy, good budgeting and math skills.



Running a Meeting:

The Chairperson of a meeting is like a responsible driver who steers, accelerates and brakes when necessary and brings the journey to a safe conclusion.


1.)  Allow everyone a chance to speak.


2.)  Stop members who shout out or interrupt someone who is speaking.


3.)  Be open and respectable to the ideas of others.   Do not allow others to be disrespectful.



Planning A Year of Activities:

Realistically evaluate your schedule – Review your other commitments to school work, clubs, sports, and decide how much time you REALLY have before you start planning an event.


View an example of an OSAID calendar


View an example of an Activity Planning Checklist



OSAID Activities:

1.)  Contact your OSAID Student regional representative to see what activities are going on in your region.


2.)  Set up an impaired driving awareness display in the school foyer or display case, local mall or community event


3.)  Be part of an existing campaign (i.e. through your local health unit or police services).


4.)  Get the word out - Put up anti-impaired driving posters in your school, create flyers, PA announcements, etc.


5.)  Organize a speaker for a school assembly or classroom presentation (insurance company rep, police/ambulance services/nurse/doctor).


6.)  Write an article for your local newspaper using “a youth perspective.”


7.)  Create and share the message using oriented music, visual art, video, social media post, meme, etc.



Inform The Public About Your Event:  Send Out A Press Release:

Using a press release is how you will let the news media know about your event. *Make sure your school has approved the content of the press release before you send it out.


Information to include in a press release:

- Date, time and location of the event

- Brief explanation of what is happening at the event

- Reasons why the event is being held

- Who is taking part

- Include a contact name, phone number or email address

- Call your local media and explain that you would like to send them a press release and ask where to send it?




OSAID resources are free to OSAID members.  We are here to support you so please contact us if you have any questions or comments.


1.)   Our Provincial Coordinator is here to answer your questions and help support your group.  

To contact our Provincial Co-ordinator - please click here.


2.)  To connect with Student Regional Representatives, please contact us by clicking here.


3.)  Posters - Contact OSAID to find out more.


4.)  Banners – Contact OSAID and see what banners are available to borrow.  Shipping costs are your responsibility, or your school could purchase one. 


5.)  Scholarships – available to OSAID students for their contribution towards the issue of reducing impaired driving –  for more information, please check out our scholarship section by clicking here.



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