Anna Pyles Memorial Scholarship
Anna Pyles was a young woman from Owen Sound, Ontario. She was just 24 when she and her brother were driving on a beautiful summer afternoon and were suddenly broadsided at an intersection by a drunk driver. This person had been convicted of impaired driving three previous times and was driving with a suspended license. The date was June 8, 1997 and from that moment, the lives of her family and friends were forever affected.
Thanks to the generous financial support of this Scholarship by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario, we are pleased to offer two scholarships to students who have shown exceptional dedication to OSAID and our mission to save lives.
Secondary/ high school students who are an OSAID member at their schools can be chosen for one of two $500 scholarships.
Criteria to apply:
- You are a full time Ontario secondary/ high school student.
- You have been actively involved in OSAID activities at your school.
- You have helped organize and implemented one OSAID activity or event at your school.
- You must submit a letter of support from your Principal or a teacher and the letter must refer to your OSAID work and the activity you helped to organize and run.
- EXTRA Bonus points are awarded for helping to organize students to attend the OSAID Conferences or workshops.
Application packages should contain:
- Student’s letter of application including a detailed explanation of your work with OSAID and why you feel that you are a good candidate to receive a Scholarship.
- Principal or teacher’s letter of support
- Proof of OSAID activity (photos, media, etc)
TWO $500 scholarships are available.
Send your package to:
Official scholarship deadline will be announced soon:
*Award winners will be contacted mid-June.